Break Your Heart Blonde
At 19, Kate Bosworth was a break your heart blonde teen surfer dream girl in Blue Crush. We all fell in love with the blonde pixie girl with cute freckles and a sassy tomboy type attitude. Little did we realize how vulnerable the interior was in contrast to the sassy exterior. Because now, almost 10 years later, Kate Bosworth has become a bad dream, a wispy cartoon caricature of what she once was. A decade later…duck lips, botox, nose job, stick girl thin, Kate is criticized in the gossip blogs and pop culture blogs for having caved to the pressure of conforming to the Hollywood cookie cutter look, plastic surgery, starvation. Why do actresses feel they have to mutate themselves into such creatures? Don’t these teen and twenty-something actresses also realize that they serve as role models to young impressionable girls who then feel they must copy unrealistic aspects of their unhealthy look? Sigh… But at least we have photos of Kate when she was simply break your heart blonde and beautiful, untouched by the botox and filler needles, the surgeon’s scalpel or the hunger pangs. She still breaks hearts, but because of what she lost along the way.